Quickie Elections … You Can Win!

We are now over 90 days into the era of the Quickie Election. The number of petitions filed during the first three months indicates unions have been energized by the change in the NLRB’s representation case procedure.   In the … Continued

Meet Art and Julia, Business Owners in Need of Union Avoidance Consultants

Adams, Nash, Haskell & Sheridan is a team of skilled labor relations consultants who offers a broad range of labor relations urgent services, such as counter union campaigns, union avoidance advice, counter corporate campaigns, counter card signing campaigns, strike management, and crisis communications. Adams, Nash, … Continued

Quickie Elections are Back

As predicted, the National Labor Relations Board has announced plans to proceed with its “quickie election” rules that could reduce the time between a representation petition and NLRB election from 42 days or more in some cases, to as few … Continued