Union Avoidance Tips: Preserve Your Union-Free Privilege®

The NLRB’s new quickie election rule implemented this past week has many repercussions for employers. The biggest being that the “quickie elections” leave little to no time for strong, effective anti-union campaigns. This makes proceedings more difficult during an already … Continued

6 Tips for Being a Great Manager

Being a good manager can be hard, but taking the time to practice positive behavior and good habits can go a long way in keeping your employees happy and your business union-free.   Good managers know their strengths and weaknesses … Continued

Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open

The NLRB’s new “quickie” election rules significantly reduce the period of time that can transpire between the filing of an election petition and voting on union representation. These rules, to be implemented April 14, 2015, create a situation where there … Continued

2014 Union Members Report Data Info-Graphic

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics released its 2014 Union Members Report at the end of January. We took the time to pull the most important union data into a quick, informational info-graphic below. If your are unable to see … Continued

Employers Strike Back … Additional Complaint Filed Against NLRB

On January 13th, a second U.S. District Court complaint was filed in response to the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) issuance of its tyrannical “Quickie Election Rule.” The Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas Inc., joined by the ABC’s Central Texas … Continued