The Great Cemex Hysteria

HEADS UP The Great Cemex Hysteria  September 18, 2023 Earlier this month the NLRB in its shamelessly biased assistance to unions once again tried to act without statutory authority and establish a new protocol for union representation matters. Drawing from … Continued

Help Wanted!!!

HELP WANTED!!!     July 9, 2018   Will escalating wages lead to pay-led inflation for the first time ever, and leave unionized employers in a perilous staffing crisis?   It’s no secret that we’re experiencing a job vacancy challenge. … Continued

2017 Union Members Report Data

The formation of unions is problematic to the overall structure of a business. While employees have a right to form a union, an organizing drive can be a devastating experience for your organization or business. It is important for management … Continued

Strike4Democracy: What You Need To Know As A Business Owner

  Submerged beneath several feet of media chaff about General Michael Flynn is the largely unreported, expected nationwide strike against President Trump’s policies. Given what appears to be ignorance or disinterest by the major media outlets and the scant participation … Continued


The Bureau of Labor and Statistics released its 2016 Union Members Report at the end of January. Here is a snapshot of some key data from this report in a quick, informational info-graphic. If you are unable to see the … Continued

Blitzkrieg NLRB Elections

If you think you have a union problem … you do, and it’s worse than you think! With nearly three quarters of a year of NLRB “Quickie Election” experience, some retrospective observations and prospective guidance may be helpful. The NLRB, … Continued