Heads Up – New NLRB General Counsel Comes In Smoking

December 5, 2017   As anticipated, President Trump’s new General Counsel for the National Labor Relations Board has hit the ground running. Peter Robb, nominated and confirmed last month, issued a memo on December 1st in essence reversing all of … Continued

Heads Up – The Cavalry Is On The Way…

For the first time in 8½ years, reason may return to the national labor policy arena.   The new Congress has proposed legislative actions to reverse some of the draconian and shamefully biased positions of the Obama administration. There are … Continued

Strike4Democracy: What You Need To Know As A Business Owner

  Submerged beneath several feet of media chaff about General Michael Flynn is the largely unreported, expected nationwide strike against President Trump’s policies. Given what appears to be ignorance or disinterest by the major media outlets and the scant participation … Continued

Heads Up – A Screeching Halt…Persuader Rule

Yesterday, a federal District Court in Texas granted the plaintiffs against the Department of Labor a temporary injunction. This action freezes in place the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act rules as they were before the DOL’s announcement of its new … Continued

Blitzkrieg NLRB Elections

If you think you have a union problem … you do, and it’s worse than you think! With nearly three quarters of a year of NLRB “Quickie Election” experience, some retrospective observations and prospective guidance may be helpful. The NLRB, … Continued

Quickie Elections … You Can Win!

We are now over 90 days into the era of the Quickie Election. The number of petitions filed during the first three months indicates unions have been energized by the change in the NLRB’s representation case procedure.   In the … Continued