Adams, Nash, Haskell and Sheridan

NLRB Quickie Elections — First Month Statistics

May 22, 2015

The results of the first month of the “NLRB’s Quickie Election Era” is displayed below. Clearly, the time from petition to election has shrunk considerably from before, but the much anticipated 13-day election is certainly not a rational fear, at least to date.

The most noteworthy and troubling fact is the large number of petitions filed during that four-week period. Even with the many withdrawals and dismissals, this trend, were it to continue for a year, would roughly double the number of petitions that are currently being filed. It is indisputable that unions have looked upon this change as an opportunity to expand their membership rolls.

NLRB Quickie Election Statistics

  1. IBT – 35
  2. AFL-CIO – 26
  3. SEIU – 23
  4. Plant & Production – 19
  5. IBEW – 18
  6. Security Officers – 15
  7. IAM – 14
  8. IUOE – 13
  9. UFCW – 13
  10. LIUNA – 7

For more information, please contact me.

Best regards,

William R. Adams, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Adams, Nash, Haskell & Sheridan

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